Amash Challenger Jim Lower Raises Over $200K for Congressional Race in 40 Days


Michigan State Rep. Jim Lower (R-Greenville) announced Wednesday that he is filing a Federal Elections Commission report that shows he raised $200,506 from 3,161 contributors in just 40 days for his U.S. House race.

Two highlights are that Ron Weiser, a former Michigan Republican Party Chair, former Republican National Committee Finance Chair and former United States Ambassador to Slovakia, and his wife Eileen, a former member of the State of Michigan Board of Education, both contributed $2,800 each, Lower said in a statement. That is the maximum contribution for the Primary Election.

Lower tweeted: “Thanks to 3,161 individual contributors, our campaign raised just over $200,000 in the first 40 days! Hardworking grassroots voters support our Pro-@realDonaldTrump, Pro-Life, Pro-Jobs, Pro-2A, Pro-Family Values campaign!”

In terms of organizations, the United States Chamber of Commerce contributed $5,000 even before its formal endorsement process that will occur later in the campaign. The average contribution was $63.43.

“Our campaign had an aggressive goal of raising $200,000 this quarter and what is even more impressive is that we did it in just 40 days,” Lower said. “It is clear our strong message of being Pro-President Trump, Pro-Life, Pro-Jobs, Pro-2nd Amendment and Pro-Family Values has resonated with voters across the country and within the 3rd Congressional District. It is humbling and gratifying to know that more than 3,100 donors believed in us and backed up that belief by contributing to our campaign.”

“To put our efforts in context, Congressman Justin Amash (I-MI-03) only raised $117,000 as a sitting Republican member of Congress in the 90 day 1st Quarter of 2019. Because we started mid-way through the quarter, we only had 40 days. This, along with the polls that have been conducted, sends a strong message that we are THE frontrunner in this race,” Lower said.

Since announcing on May 20, Lower has led by a large margin in two polls conducted in the GOP primary in the Third District, he said. Lower led Amash 49 percent to 33 percent in a two-way poll conducted June 5-7 for MIRS, the Michigan Information Research Service.

Lower led in another poll conducted by Strategic National and released July 3. In that poll, he led the other announced candidates by 10 percent. Lower had 27 percent, Amash and State Rep. Lynn Afendoulis were tied for second at 17 percent, Tom Norton had 5 percent, and Peter Meijer had 4 percent. Thirty percent were still undecided.

The day after the poll was released, Amash, who has called for Trump’s impeachment, announced he was leaving the Republican Party to run as an independent, Lower noted.

“West Michigan deserves a congressman who will actually represent the values of our community, and who will work with President Trump and other members of Congress to get things done. I will be that Congressman,” said Lower.

Earlier this month, Amash told CNN’s Jake Tapper he would not rule out running for president, Battleground State News said.

In June, more than 200 attended a “Squash Amash” rally outside the congressman’s Grand Rapids office.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.





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One Thought to “Amash Challenger Jim Lower Raises Over $200K for Congressional Race in 40 Days”

  1. Freedomoverparty

    Representative Justin Amash is one of the best members of congress.
